报 告 人:杨军
时 间:2019年1月10日(周四)10:00
地 点:中关村校区研究生楼101报告厅
杨军,加拿大西安大略大学机械工程、材料工程及生物医学工程专业正教授,加拿大工程院院士,是加拿大第一个工业4.0研发中心(WIN 4.0-Western’s Industry 4.0 Network)的中心主任。杨军教授拥有注册工程师执照,具有综合的材料、机械及生物医学工程学术背景,研究领域包括先进制造(增材制造/3D打印、微纳制造、精密加工)、基于人工智能的智能制造、印刷电子、物联网、微电子机械系统、超材料、软机器人、生物芯片、生物仪器、表面科学与工程等。在以上研究领域的国际一流杂志等发表130多篇论文包括多篇封面文章;拥有26项授权或在审专利;90多次被邀在重要学术会议、研讨会和学术机构做报告。获得多个专业领域的奖项,比如Vanguard Awards 技术转化奖,NSERC Discovery Accelerator奖,施乐UAC奖,加拿大西安大略大学的Faculty Scholar 学院学者,第三届全国创新创业大赛先进制造总决赛第二名,加拿大西安大略大学创新奖,加拿大安大略省ERA青年学者奖,PetroCanada青年发明奖,CFI-LOF领军人才希望奖,UWO-ADF学术创新奖,美国心血管协会博士后奖学金。其研究成果被许多世界主流的学术和新闻媒体及学术机构广泛报道。
Jun Yang is Professor in Mechanical & Materials Engineering and Biomedical Engineering, and Director of WIN 4.0 (Western’s Industry 4.0 Network) at Western University (The University of Western Ontario), the first R&D program in Industry 4.0 in Canada. He is Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (FCAE). He is also a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario. His research interests include Advanced Manufacturing (such as Additive Manufacturing/3D Printing, Micro/Nanofabrication and AI-based Intelligent Manufacturing), Printed Electronics, Metamaterials, MEMS, Soft Robots, Internet of Things, Flexible/wearable Electronics, Sensors and Actuators, Biophysics and Surface Science. He has published more than 130 papers including multiple cover articles in high quality journals. He holds 26 granted/pending patents. Three of his inventions have been licensed to industries for mass production. He has given ~ 90 plenary/keynote/invited talks on conferences, symposiums and workshops. Dr. Yang was a recipient of 2006 PetroCanada Young Innovators Award, 2009 Early Researcher Award, 2012 University’s Faculty Scholar Award, 2012 and 2014 Western Innovation Funds Award, Second place, 3rd China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, 2015 Xerox UAC Award, 2016 NSERC Discovery Accelerator Award and 2017 & 2018 Western’s Vanguard Awards.
增材制造是采用材料逐渐累加的方法制造器件的技术。相对于传统的减材制造的材料去除-如切削加工技术,增材制造是一种 3D打印技术具有更好的灵活性、快捷性以及小批量生产的低成本优势等特点,被广泛应用于汽车工业、航空航天、工业快速成型、医疗器械等领域。近年来,增材制造技术迅速发展,已经成为了先进制造的一个重要方向,也是正在到来的工业革命-工业4.0的一个标志性技术。这个讲座会综述增材制造的研究现状与发展趋势,然后介绍我们实验室在三维增材制造和二维增材制造的进展和在功能材料的3D打印,打印电子,能量拾取、物联网和5G等方面的应用。这个讲座也会介绍WIN4.0,加拿大以一个工业4.0研发计划的研究工作及在面向工业4.0开展本科和研究生教育的情况。
Additive manufacturing processes make products by adding materials layer by layer, in contrast to removing materials in the conventional subtractive manufacturing processes. Additive manufacturing technologies are developing rapidly, which will be an important technology for the upcoming industrial revolution, industry 4.0. Additive manufacturing technologies also play a significant role in many other research areas such as chemical engineering and chemistry. This presentation will review and discuss and review the status and recent advances of additive manufacturing with special focuses on 3D printing technology for structural components, functional 3D Printing such as our unique i3DP technology, and 2D printing technology for printed electronics and their applications in 5G, IoT (Internet of Things), energy storage/harvesting, etc.. In addition, this presentation will give an overview of Industry 4.0, and introduce WIN 4.0 (Western’s Industry 4.0 Network) and our recent activities in R&D and education related to Industry 4.0.